Participating Faculty Members

Yip-Wah Chung
Surface science, tribology, design and characterization of lubricant additives, hard coatings and alloys

Sinan Keten
Computational materials science and mechanics, nanostructured polymeric materials, biomolecular and bioinspired materials

Harold Kung
Catalysis science, energy conversion and storage, catalytic water purification

William Miller
Environmental aspects of water, energy, and sustainability with a focus on ecosystem services provided by urban nature preserves and green infrastructure (GI) including water storage, flood mitigation, urban microclimate regulation, and air pollution mitigation.

Neelesh Patankar
Metasurface design, the immersed body technique, and applications of the immersed body technique

Franz Geiger
Laser spectroscopy, mass spectrometry and computational techniques, geo and atmospheric chemistry, biophysics

Mayfair Kung

David Morton
Stochastic optimization and its application to energy, security, and health systems

Sarah M. Owens
Sarah runs the Environmental Sample Preparation & Sequencing Facility in the Biosciences Division.

Joseph Ferrie
Economic mobility, rural and urban migration, socio-economic mobility in Britain, France, and United States

Randall Berry
Resource allocation for wireless networks, dynamic spectrum sharing and wireless spectrum policy, network security, and social networks

David Chopp
Numerical methods; scientific computing; motion of interfaces, bacterial biofilms, neurophysiology, crack propagation, and solidification

Marco Gallio
Cellular and molecular neuroscience, neurogenetics, systems neuroscience, brain and behavior

William Dichtel
Organic and polymer chemistry, materials for water purification, nanofabrication

Kyoo-Chul Park
Multi-length scale surface fabrication, thermal-fluids engineering, and bio-inspired surface engineering for a sustainable future

David Dana
Environmental law, property, land use, and professional responsibility

George Wells
Microbial nitrogen cycling and nutrient removal processes, microbial ecology of engineered and natural settings, sustainable wastewater treatment

Daniel Abrams
Nonlinear dynamics physics of social systems, mathematical geoscience, pattern formation, coupled oscillators, synchronization, chimera states

Greg Wagner
Computational simulation methods for multi-scale and multi-physics problems in engineering, fluid dynamics, heat transfer, and material transport

Jian Cao
Innovative manufacturing processes and systems, energy-efficient manufacturing, surface engineering, and distributed manufacturing

David Seidman
Development of high-temperature cobalt-based super-alloys, high-temperature aluminum alloys

Justin Notestein
Catalysis science, energy, materials and nanoscience

Elie Rekhess
Middle East and Israeli History, Arab Minority in Israel, Islamic Resurgence, Water in Israel, Middle Eastern and North African History

Nancy Loeb
Energy law, economics and the environment, regulatory communications and strategy, antitrust

Seema Jayachandran
Economic issues in developing countries, children’s health and education, the environment, gender equality, labor markets, and political economy

Neha Kamat
Engineered membranes, artificial cells, membrane biophysics, polymersomes, biomaterials

Jeffrey Richards
Generation, storage and transport of electrical charge, renewable energy infrastructures,

Niall Mangan
Data-driven mechanistic modeling, nonlinear dynamics on biological networks, renewable energy systems, Modeling and engineering of metabolic biological networks

Oluwaseyi Balogun
Optical and acoustic wave Sensing, Biomechancs of Soft Materials, Phononic Structures, Thermal Transport

Erica Hartmann
Microbiology, public health, environmental engineering, ecology of the built environment

Jennifer Dunn
Emerging technologies, energy and environmental impacts, air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions, water and energy consumption

Sera Young
Food insecurity, household-level water insecurity, malnutrition, global health and ecology

Julius Lucks
RNA Engineering, RNA Folding and Function, Gene Expression Control, Cell-Free Synthetic Biology, Diagnostics

Daniel E. Horton
Climate Change, Atmospheric Science, Environmental observations, near-term meteorological, societal, and public health impacts of anthropogenic climate change, co-benefits and tradeoffs of green infrastructure and transportation initiatives

Richard M. Lueptow
Modeling, simulation, and experiments on the segregation and mixing of bi-and poly-disperse granular materials; A dynamical systems approach to mixing by “cutting and shuffling,” particularly as applied to granular materials; Molecular level simulation of transport processes in polymeric nanofiltration and reverse osmosis membranes.

Vinayak P. Dravid
Complex multicomponent nanostructured materials. Atomic-scale structure-property relationship for internal interfaces, domains, and mosaics. Oleophilic, Hydrophobic, and Magnetic (OHM) sponges and related concepts for the recovery of oil, nutrients, heavy metals, and related contaminants from waterways.
Postdoctoral Scholars

Irene Crisologo
Open-source weather radar processing, ground radar calibration assessment, post-event analysis of rainfall-related natural disasters, polarimetric rainfall retrieval

Colin Phillips
Physical modeling of river networks and transport processes, hydrology, and sustainable landscape and river management