Opportunities for Students

The Connected Waters Leverhulme Doctoral Programme: The evolving interactions between human agency and freshwater ecosystems
This will offer up to 18 fully funded PhD scholarships over a period of several years and will train a new generation of interdisciplinary scholars to develop a deeper holistic view of the interactions between humans and freshwaters.
The programme will be structured around three themes: Human Agency, Governance and Management and Freshwater Environments.
We are recruiting now and the first PhD studentships will begin in October 2024.
Further details and how to apply can be found here
Water in Arid Lands: Technology & Innovation in the Middle East
Water in Arid Lands: Technology & Innovation in the Middle East
This seminar will examine water resources in arid lands, the social impact of these limitations, and solutions that have been developed to overcome them. This year’s course will focus on the history and sustainability of water management in the Middle East, with a focus on Israel, the Fertile Crescent, and the Arabian Peninsula. The course is co-listed in Civil and Environmental Engineering (Professor Aaron Packman), Jewish and Israel Studies (Professor Elie Rekhess), and Environmental Policy and Culture.

Water in Arid Lands: Israel and the Middle East
Spring 2022: Tech L158, Wednesdays 4 –7 PM
CIV_ENV 395-0-32 | JWSH_ST 390-0-1 | ENVR_POL 390-0-25
This special topics course will examine water resources in arid lands, the social impact of these limitations, and solutions that have been developed to overcome them. This year’s course will focus on the history and sustainability of water management in the Middle East, with a focus on Israel, the Fertile Crescent, and the Arabian Peninsula. The course is co-listed in Civil and Environmental Engineering (Professor Aaron Packman), Jewish and Israel Studies (Professor Elie Rekhess), and Environmental Policy and Culture.
The course will also explore:
How water scarcity spurs development of new innovations in water use.
Modern water resources management, precision agriculture, and water reuse.
Water Systems in the region, from ancient times to the present day.
Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant 2022 Summer Student Applications are due January 31, 2022
The Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant (IISG) Summer Student Internship Program supports and expands a diverse, well-trained workforce that is literate in the ecological and economic issues that impact coastal communities. With this training, interns will understand and be skilled in teaching best management and science practices that can lead to more informed decisions.
These paid internships may include research, communications, and/or outreach activities. Applicants may have the opportunity to participate in activities outside of their specific internship duties. For more information on the internship program and position descriptions, please contact Angela Archer at amcbride@purdue.edu or visit https://iiseagrant.org/about/career-opportunities/.
Internships are available in the following areas:
Aquatic Invasive Species, Great Lakes Education, Great Lakes Revitalization, Sustainable Communities, Video and Digital Media, Water Conservation and Policy
Global Engineering Trek 2022
Dear students,
Are you interested in traveling abroad to learn firsthand from global leaders working in the fields of clean technology, big data, and sustainable design? The Institute for Sustainability and Energy at Northwestern (ISEN) is partnering with the Center for Water Research, Crown Center for Jewish and Israel Studies, and Northwestern Engineering Global Initiatives to offer two exciting opportunities for freshmen, sophomores, and juniors of ANY major.
The Israel Global Engineering Trek, focused on cutting-edge water technology, is open to students currently in their freshman or sophomore year, and the Germany Global Engineering Trek, aimed at sustainability and cleantech, is open to students currently in their freshman year.
Program Details:
- Open to Northwestern students of any major with an interest in technology
- Financial aid available
- No foreign language requirement
- This abroad experience carries NO academic credit
More information and applications for both programs are available at http://isen.nu/isen-abroad.
Israeli Council for Higher Education (CHE) Competitive Grants for International PhD students
The Israeli Council for Higher Education (CHE) is offering competitive grants for international PhD students that will come to Israeli universities for one year during their studies. Potential candidates must have completed at least one year of studies toward their PhD degree by the time of application.
The grant will sum up to 80K NIS for the year (~ 22K US$).
Students may come for periods shorter than one year (and grant will be reduced accordingly), however students coming for a whole year will be prioritized.
Scholarships details below:
Scholarships will be offered on a competitive basis to seven students throughout BGU who will come to BGU starting March 2021.
The scholarship criteria are as follows:
- The student is enrolled in a doctoral degree program at an accredited institution of higher education overseas. The program will be open to students from all countries and in all academic disciplines.
- The student has completed their first year of doctoral studies successfully.
- The student is not a citizen or a resident of Israel
The selection process is starting 7.12.2020
Decisions will be published by end of January 2021 while expected arrivals of students is March 2021.
The submission process will require inputs as follows:
From Faculty:
- A brief description of the research project as a whole and the research to be conducted at BGU
- The timetable for the intended study and planned arrival date of the designated student.
From the student:
- Applicants CV
- Applicants motivation letter (reason for wanting to come to BGU)
- Letter of recommendation from advisor at home university
- Additional relevant letter of recommendation
All of the above must be sent to water@northwestern.edu by Dec. 1, 2020 (or before).

The Zuckerman Postdoctoral Scholars Program
The Zuckerman Postdoctoral Scholars Program attracts high-achieving postdoctoral scholars from premier universities in the United States and Canada to do research at one of seven Israeli universities. Once they complete their research, many Zuckerman postdocs are expected to accept faculty positions at top North American universities, weaving a network of academic collaboration and goodwill that will greatly benefit US-Israeli scientific cooperation.
Zuckerman Scholars enjoy unique programming and activities organized especially for them by their host universities and the Zuckerman Institute in Israel, including touring, educational experiences, and social programs. These activities are designed to strengthen the scholars’ knowledge of and connection to Israel, and cultivate an esprit de corps, exchange of ideas, and foster new relationships.
Candidates for the Zuckerman STEM Leadership Program are assessed based on their academic and research achievements, as well as on personal merit and leadership qualities, without regard to race, religion, gender, ethnicity, or age.
Five postdoctoral scholarships will be given out per participating university for the 2021-2022 academic year in two tracks.
- Postdoc at an Israeli University Track: A two-year postdoctoral scholarship where scholars conduct research exclusively at one of 7 participating Israeli universities. If circumstances allow, Zuckerman Postdoctoral scholarship may be renewed on a competitive basis for an additional one or two year.
- Joint US-Israel Postdoc Track: A two-year joint postdoctoral scholarship where scholars spend half their time at one of 7 participating Israeli universities, and the other half at a US or Canadian university. Scholars in this track can decide how to divide their time.
Participating universities are Bar-Ilan University, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Tel Aviv University, University of Haifa, and Weizmann Institute of Science
Candidates may apply to more than one of the above universities.
First deadline:
Applications accepted through November 15, 2020. Applications will be reviewed and ranked by the Selection Committee in November. Finalists will be announced in early December, 2020.
Second deadline:
Applications accepted through January 15, 2021. Applications will be reviewed and ranked by the Selection Committee in January. Finalists will be announced in mid-February, 2021.
Third deadline:
Applications accepted through March 31, 2021. Applications will be reviewed and ranked by the Selection Committee in April. Finalists will be announced in May, 2021.
Post-doctoral Position Offered at Ben Gurion University
We are searching for a post-doctoral fellow to study brackish water desalination systems for agriculture within the framework of a binational (U.S.-Israel) agricultural R&D (BARD) project. The project requires study of monovalent selective electrodialysis systems, including optimization of membrane properties and operation conditions for maximum monovalent selectivity, and combining this system with a self-adaptive reverse osmosis unit (FLERO). There is also importance in modelling monovalent selectivity as a function of operating conditions and membrane properties. Both units will have setpoints (recovery, extent of salinity removal) that can be controlled by an external irrigation model being developed within the project. This work will also involve a defined period of time at the collaborating research group of Prof. Y. Cohen in UCLA learning the operation on the FLERO system developed at the WaTER lab at UCLA.
Background in Chemical or Environmental engineering with experience in electromembrane processes a distinct advantage.
For more details:
Prof. Jack Gilron, ZIWR- BGU, jgilron@bgu.ac.il; +972-52-4684138
Postdoctoral Fellowship in Israel for US Citizens
The Fulbright Israel commission will grant eight postdoctoral fellowships to outstanding scholars
who are planning to begin a program of research during the 2021/22 – 2022/23 academic years at an
accredited university or non-profit research institutions in Israel.
This program is open to researchers in all fields of study
• $47,500 per academic year
• Travel reimbursement for fellow and spouse
• Additional relocation grant available at host universities
Check out website for more info www.fulbright.org.il/USPostdoc
Apply by September 15, 2020
For more info, contact: NoaT@Fulbright.org.il
Moses House, 74 Rothschild Blvd., Tel Aviv, Israel www.fulbright.org.il

Global Engineering Trek 2020
Dear students,
Are you interested in traveling abroad to learn firsthand from global leaders working in the fields of clean technology, big data, and sustainable design? The Institute for Sustainability and Energy at Northwestern (ISEN) is partnering with the Center for Water Research, Crown Center for Jewish and Israel Studies, and Northwestern Engineering Global Initiatives to offer two exciting opportunities for freshmen and sophomores of ANY major.
The Israel Global Engineering Trek, focused on cutting-edge water technology, is open to students currently in their freshman or sophomore year, and the Germany Global Engineering Trek, aimed at sustainability and cleantech, is open to students currently in their freshman year.
Program Details:
- Info session: March 5, 12-1:30pm RSVP HERE
- Students will be abroad for ~2 weeks in September 2020 immediately prior to the start of the fall quarter (Applications are due March 27)
- Open to Northwestern students of any major with an interest in technology
- Financial aid available
- Cost without financial aid is $1,000 (Heavily subsidized. All airfare, lodging, and meals included)
- No foreign language requirement
- This abroad experience carries NO academic credit
More information and applications for both programs are available at http://isen.nu/isen-abroad.
Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant Summer Internship 2020
The Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant has four positions available for the 2020 Summer Internship Program. Successful applicants will work closely with IISG staff on issues affecting the Great Lakes. These paid internships can include research, communications and outreach components. Applicants may also have the opportunity to participate in activities outside of their specific internship duties.
Internships are available in the following areas:
- Great Lakes Communications
- Great Lakes Revitalization
- Sustainable Communities
- Water Pricing
Application packets are due on March 6, 2020. Interns will be paid $15 per hour. Interns through Purdue University will work up to 37.5 hours per week for 12 weeks. Interns through University of Illinois will work up to 37.5 hours for 10 and no more than 28 hours for 2 additional weeks.
Applicants can be enrolled in or recently graduated from any U.S. institution of higher learning, and chosen interns will be paid as student employees of Purdue University or University of Illinois. Some travel and/or weekend work may be expected. Interns are responsible for the cost of housing plus transportation to and from their work place. Work-related travel will be funded by the intern’s Sea Grant supervisor. Successful applicants will be notified of their acceptance by the end of March. Internships are expected to start in May and will end in August.
For detailed information on position descriptions and application requirements, please visit https://iiseagrant.org/internships-2020/

2020 IBEX Summer Internship for Undergraduates
International Bachelors of Excellence (IBEX) summer internship
at the Blaustein Institutes for Desert Research, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel June 18th -August 14th 2019
This summer at BGU Sede Boqer campus, the Jacob Blaustein Institutes for Desert Research (BIDR) are accepting international interns through the IBEX summer internship program to join various research projects focusing on energy, food and water of arid regions.
The IBEX summer internship is a unique experience for excellent undergraduate students as it provides participants the opportunity to actively conduct academic research and partake in scientific academic life. This includes attending weekly seminars and utilizing cutting-edge technology under the direct supervision of BIDR researchers.
Research areas available at BIDR include the following:
- Agriculture
- Plant sciences
- Aquaculture biotechnology
- Microalgal biotechnology
- Desalination and water treatment
- Hydrology and environmental microbiology
- Solar energy
- Environmental physics
- Ecology
- Evolutionary biology
- Conservation
- Wildlife management.
Our website provides further details: http://in.bgu.ac.il/en/bidr/Pages/default.aspx
The IBEX program is an eight-week program that concludes with an academic symposium, whereby participants present their results and conclusions to their collogues and supervisors. The program will include tours that will expose the students to Israeli culture and history, as well as, social and cultural activities unique to the Negev desert area. BIDR is an international campus using English as its official language.
Cost: The IBEX program will provide accommodations, tours and social programs, and it will cover all research costs. Travel and boarding expenses are the responsibility of the participating students.
Credits: Upon completion, participants will be able to obtain BGU academic credits as an internship or research project, which could transferred to the home university’s; pending on its consent.
Who can apply:
The internship is offered to international undergraduate students (2nd-4th academic year) in the fields of:
- Life-Sciences
- Exact-Sciences
- Engineering
How to apply:
Application and registration can be made through this link: https://goo.gl/forms/EVqTswCnJoAEoj842
Please have the following ready for upload:
- Resume/CV
- Official grade transcripts
- Motivation letter- 1 page – in which you explain why you want to attend this program and which of the available research fields are you interested in (up to 3, as listed above in this webpage)
- Academic recommendation letter
- Photo ID
For any additional information contact Debi Zamir at: ibex.internship@post.bgu.ac.il
Important dates:
Registration deadline: Thursday, April 4th, 2019
Acceptance notification: Monday, April 15th, 2019
Fulbright Applications
Attend an information meeting to investigate options and discover Northwestern’s Fulbright application process. Learn about deadlines, campus resources, and how to construct a competitive application. Fulbright funds across a broad range of fields in STEM, humanities, fine arts, journalism, and the social sciences. No RSVP is needed.
Friday Feb. 14 at 12 pm
Tuesday March 3 at 12 pm
Wednesday March 11 at 4 pm
Wednesday April 1 at 12 pm
Thursday April 9 at 7 pm
Monday April 13 at 9 am
Tuesday April 21 at 4 pm
All meetings will take place in the Conference Room at the Office of Fellowships, 1940 Sheridan Rd
Contact Stephen Hill @s-hill@northwestern.edu

Summer 2020 Environmental Engineering Research Opportunity
Summer Research Opportunity Program
SROP @ Northwestern University
― Apply by February 10 ―
Opportunity 1: The SAVEUR project aims to use distributed sensor networks and imagery to assess vulnerability to extreme weather events in Chicago. SAVEUR is also evaluating the effectiveness of green infrastructure in reducing impacts from heat waves, poor air quality, and flooding. SROP students can develop projects involving sensing, image processing, data analysis, machine learning, modeling, and/or field work.
Opportunity 2: Work with an international team on laboratory experiments and modeling to understand river dynamics and water quality. This project is directly relevant to river bed stability, erosion/deposition, and contamination in rivers, estuaries, lakeshores, and coasts. SROP students can develop projects involving laboratory experiments with advanced measurement methods, image processing, and development of theory and computer models.
Interested? To begin the application process please contact Prof. Packman (a-packman@northwestern.edu) or Prof. Miller (wmmiller@northwestern.edu). Full application due by February 10th.
Additional information on Northwestern’s SROP: bit.ly/NU-SROP2020
1 year PhD Assistanship for Research in an Israeli Institute
The Israeli Council for Higher Education (CHE) is offering competitive grants for international PhD students that will come to Israeli universities for one year during their studies. Potential candidates must have completed at least one year of studies toward their PhD degree by the time of application.
The grant will sum up to 80K NIS for the year (~ 22K US$).
Based on our common research interests, I would hereby like to suggest that if you have a suitable and willing candidate, we can try and apply. A successful application process and shared advising can facilitate and enhance collaboration, and the students’ research and education. Students may come for periods shorter than one year (and grant will be reduced accordingly), however to be eligible for the grant, students must come for more than 3 month. Students coming for a whole year will be prioritized. Scholarships will be offered on a competitive basis to throughout BGU for the academic year starting October 2019. The selection process is starting October 20th, 2019.
Decisions will be published by end of November 2019 while expected arrivals of students should be during the academic year and earlier starting dates is preferred. If you find this of interest and you have a candidate that we can co-supervise/advise – the submission process will require inputs as follows:
From Faculty:
A brief description of the research project as a whole and the research to be conducted at BGU
The time table for intended study and planned arrival date of the designated student.
Letter of recommendation from advisor at home university
Letter of recommendation from the host advisor at BGU which will detail:
The relevance to the research collaboration (including specifics of the students research and facilities which will be available).
Time frame of the joint research (and arrival of the student)
Commitment to the terms of the scholarship.
From the student:
Applicants CV
Applicants motivation letter (reason for wanting to come to BGU)
Additional relevant letter of recommendation (optional)
All of the above needs to be sent to benshele@bgu.ac.il by October 20th, 2019